Sugar Analysis Journey

We measure your blood sugar levels at any time of the day with a unique blood sugar sensor. These values are of great importance, because sugar values that are too high cause, among other things, weight gain, but also possible energy dips, increased hunger or even cravings later in the day. Fortunately, we can improve our sugar levels very quickly!

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Free shipping
Personalized coaching
Fully online and digital
Proven results

sugar peaks after 1 week.

Number 1 in
Belgium and the Netherlands

Validated by
200+ dieticians

The 5 steps of your Sugar Analysis.



We deliver your package by post, you schedule your online consultations with an expert of your choice via our unique tool.



During the first week we map out your typical eating habits and identify your problem areas!



During an online consultation with an expert, you will review your results together and determine your top action points.



When you apply the actions you will see immediate results! This way you can tailor them even further to your body.



You end with a conclusion consultation and can use the advice for the rest of your life!

Do you have any questions or would you like more information about this product?

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Frequently asked questions about our Sugar Analysis

De Suiker Analyse is volledig persoonlijke analyse waardoor het afhankelijk is van jouw problematieken, doelstellingen en situatie welke resultaten je mag verwachten. Desondanks zien we over de volledige groep aan personen die reeds het Suiker Traject doorlopen heeft, zeer sterke resultaten. Zo zien we na 14 dagen een daling van de suikerpieken met 37%, wat je gezondheid en energieniveaus sterk ten goede komt en een 20% stabielere suikerspiegel wat tot meer vetverbranding zal leiden. 

Dit is een veelgestelde vragen maar het antwoord is gelukkig: neen. De sensor is zo groot als een twee euro muntstuk en zit met een zeer kort draadje net onder de huid, daardoor voel je er ook niets van. Niet alleen bij het plaatsen zul je geen pijn voelen, maar zelf al na één dag voel je niet meer dat je de sensor draagt.

Is the sugar analysis also interesting if I exercise a lot?

The Suiker Anlayse is also particularly interesting in a sporting context. Professional cyclists use this technology very often, it helps them greatly optimize nutritional intake before, during and after an effort or race to improve their performance.

The Sugar Analysis itself takes 14 days, during which time you will have to log your food and drink intake daily in a mobile app and scan the sensor a dozen times. This requires very little effort. In addition, you will have a few online consultations with an expert.

Who benefits from the Sugar Analysis?

If you want to lose weight

With each sugar peak, the body switches to fat storage for several hours, but if you can avoid sugar peaks, you start burning fat! It is therefore crucial to keep your sugar levels in balance and to achieve better results in the long term.

If you have Energy Fluctuations

If you suffer from a typical energy dip after lunch or even at several times throughout the day, there is a good chance that your sugar intake is not optimal. It also makes you crave sugar more and so you can't get rid of your problem!

If you want to become healthier

More and more scientific studies link too high and too long a sugar intake to a series of chronic diseases. Diabetes is the most logical, but certain cancers, cognitive diseases and more are also more common. Your sugar metabolism is therefore a crucial factor to keep under control!

If you have well-being complaints

Poor sleep, difficult digestion, a lot of stress are all too often viewed too specifically. More and more scientific research shows that everything we eat and drink also has an impact on these problems. Tackling them through nutrition can therefore provide a breakthrough!